Friday 27 November 2015

Fairies Found at Shire Oak!!

Much excitement ensued in Reception yesterday morning when we found a trail of fairy dust in our outside area! Carefully following the trail (so as not to disturb any magical creatures), we discovered that it led to a door...

We had all sorts of questions for the fairies living at the bottom of the garden... What do they eat? When do they come out? Why do they live here? Do they know the Tooth Fairy?

We wrote down our questions, drew pictures and made presents for the fairies. We then thought about how best to get them to the fairies... If we left them outside, they might get damp or blow away!

We thought about how we get post through our letter box. The children decided that the best option would be to post the letters and gifts to the fairies in a post box. So, today, armed with envelopes and stamps, we took our very special post to the post box. We all have our fingers crossed that they make it to the fairies. And who knows...we may even get a reply....

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