Friday 27 November 2015

Fairies Found at Shire Oak!!

Much excitement ensued in Reception yesterday morning when we found a trail of fairy dust in our outside area! Carefully following the trail (so as not to disturb any magical creatures), we discovered that it led to a door...

We had all sorts of questions for the fairies living at the bottom of the garden... What do they eat? When do they come out? Why do they live here? Do they know the Tooth Fairy?

We wrote down our questions, drew pictures and made presents for the fairies. We then thought about how best to get them to the fairies... If we left them outside, they might get damp or blow away!

We thought about how we get post through our letter box. The children decided that the best option would be to post the letters and gifts to the fairies in a post box. So, today, armed with envelopes and stamps, we took our very special post to the post box. We all have our fingers crossed that they make it to the fairies. And who knows...we may even get a reply....

Thursday 19 November 2015

The Skin I'm In

The children had some really thoughtful ideas when we were discussing skin colour this week. This led into us spending some time considering what makes our skin the colour it is and why it is different for everybody.

We realised that it is not as simple as black or white! When we looked closely at our hands, we spotted shades of peach, pink, golden-brown, chestnut, yellow, and even blue and purple where our veins were. We discussed what we call different skin colours, and why this is.

Music Makers!

Our music learning yesterday was fuelled with creativity. We all had the chance to explore a variety of percussion instruments and the sounds they made: whether they were long or short sounds; and how we might manipulate the volume of each instrument as we played. 

The children then lept at the idea of making their own drums, using cups, tracing paper and elastic bands. Some of these were turned into shakers, with the addition of gravel! We created a performance space outside, where our musical talents could really be showcased!

Thursday 12 November 2015

What Do Friends Do?

After enjoying the story of 'Is That What Friends Do?' in our outside area, the children had some great suggestions for ways of showing kindness. "Say 'please' and don't snatch.",  "Ask if they want to play.", "Share your toys".

The children then made masks of Monkey and Elephant from the story, and acted out what they might have said or done to be better friends.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Bonfires and Buns

Bonfire night was very much on the agenda again for today, with the children excitedly talking about marshmallows, sparklers, Catherine wheels and Guys!

The children were very insightful when considering some of the dangers around fires and fireworks and how to stay safe. 

We then got busy, creating red-hot bonfire flames from tissue paper and wood, and decorating our 'bonfire buns' with butter-cream icing and chocolate sticks. Have a lovely bonfire night, whatever you may be the looks of it, hats and scarves (and umbrellas....) may well be on the agenda if you are heading out!!

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

As bonfire night excitement grows, the children yesterday learnt about the tradition of Guys, and how, long ago, a man made a bad choice to blow up an important building in London, called the Houses of Parliament.

We brought our learning to life by heading outdoors and making our own trio of Guys! Clothes were stuffed with something we are not in short supply of in the Reception garden at the moment...!

Monday 2 November 2015

One More Than

We have kicked off the new half term with some great learning! In Maths, we are finding '1 more than' a given number, by adding 1 to a given quantity. We have used numicon, conkers and cars!

Some of us have even been adding 10 to a given number!

We will build upon this work throughout the week, and start to add two small amounts together, to make a new total. Great Maths, Reception!