Saturday 13 January 2018

The Writing Begins

It has been great to see many children choosing to write independently during area time. They were very enthusiastic about labelling our class leopard.

Dotty's rabbit

Benji's caterpillar

Handa's Surprise

 Following the children's interest in animals, I read them the story of Handa's Surprise. They really enjoyed this story and decided to act it out. 
We also spent some time looking at the fruit and painting it using watercolour paints. On Friday the children then tasted the fruits from the story (pineapple, passion fruit, mango and avocado).

 Then we took a vote on our favourite fruits. The children preferred the mango and weren't so keen on the avocado or passion fruit.

Painting with Scissors

To continue our investigation of shapes, we looked at the art of Henri Matisse. We learnt that when he was older and found it difficult to paint, he would use scissors to make art out of paper cut outs.
Image result for henri's scissors book
Some of the children then went on to create their own Matisse inspired art.

2d Shapes

Over the last couple of weeks reception class have been learning about 2d shapes. We have been using the vocabulary of straight, curved, corner and sides to describe them.

The children have enjoyed trying to throw the hippo through the different shapes.
 We also went on a shape hunt, to see which shapes we could find at school.

We worked with our partners to record how many different shapes we could find.

 We have also been using the hammer and tacks to create our own shape pictures.
"It's me and I'm holding a plate."

Monday 1 January 2018

New Year, New Topic

The children have voted on their topic for this term and have decided on animals. We are looking forward to investigating this topic. Please feel free to come in and chat to us if you are able to help us with this topic in any way. Thank you.

It all adds up!

The children had been learning about addition in the last couple of weeks of term. They used the 'addition machine' outside to work out how many cars there were altogether:

We also had a go at writing addition number sentences:

Reading and Writing

It has been amazing to see the progress that the children have made since they have started to learn their sounds. Lots of children are keen to show these new skills and are using them in their play.