Sunday 15 January 2017

Mouse Shapes

I read the children the story 'Mouse Shapes'.
Image result for mouse shapes
The children were inspired to make their own shape pictures.


More 2D shape fun

The children have spent another week investigating 2D shapes.
Making them with rubber bands on the geoboards.

Making them out of straws

We also went on a shape hunt around the classroom.

Squares in the tennis racket

Rectangles and circles.

A well spotted semi-circle!

The cushion is a square!



On Monday, we learnt about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, as part of our celebrations topic. The children enjoyed playing with the dreidels in the afternoon.


Saturday 7 January 2017


Linked to our learning on 2D shapes, we looked at the work of the Russian artist, Kandinsky. Some children experimented with watercolour paints to produce an interpretation of one of Kandinsky's paintings.

The finished result, when everyone's work had been combined.

2D shapes

This week we have started to learn about 2D shapes and the vocabulary used to describe them, such as straight or curved, sides and corners.


Wednesday 4 January 2017

New Topic

The children chose their topic for this half term. They have chosen the topic of celebrations. On the first day back they have been busy having parties in the home corner and making cakes with the play dough.

It would be fantastic if you could let us know what you celebrate in your family and even bring in some photographs.


We have been so impressed by how well the children are learning all of their sounds and using them in their reading and writing.


Kindness Elves

Just before Christmas, reception class had some tiny visitors. These were Pip and Dot, the kindness elves.

Each day the children were given a kindness challenge, that was left by the elves.

The children were excited to see what the elves had left for them each day and enjoyed posting letters to them in the tiny post box.

Jackson Pollock

We hope you like the calendars the children have made. These were based on our  learning about Jackson Pollock. We found out about his action painting, and used this way of painting to create the calendars.

Thanks to Charlotte who was the photographer for the afternoon.

Whatever the Weather

During a particularly rainy day in November, the children were keen to be outside. They spent the afternoon working together to make a swamp and try to redirect the water into different rivers.