Sunday 26 November 2017

Ordering Numbers

In maths we worked in groups to make our own number lines:

Getting Ready to Write!

In reception class we are always working on our muscles to get us ready to write.
Using our fine-motor skills to tie knots and cut the string.

Gross motor development.

Carefully tying knots.

Practising our scissor skills.


The children decided on the topic of dinosaurs. They came up with lots of great ideas, but dinosaurs got the most votes.

We looked at how we could measure a triceratop's footprint.

The Triceratops would have been this long!

Saturday 4 November 2017

Welcome Back!

The children have come back happy and full of enthusiasm. This week we have been learning how to carefully count. They have enjoyed making potions, by counting out ingredients into the cauldron.

We have also started learning sounds in phonics and are beginning to blend sounds into words and even having a go at writing them.

Here is a link to the Jolly Phonics songs that we use to help learn the sounds: Jolly Phonics Songs

I thought I'd also add these amazing sculptures that the children made:

Noah's Iguanodon

Bethan's rabbit and centipede

Betty's creature

Sunday 8 October 2017

Bread Making

In preparation for Harvest Festival, the children listened to and learned the story of the Little Red Hen. We found out how flour is made and had a go at making our own bread.
The children worked in their house teams to make bread rolls.

We really enjoyed tasting it!
If you want to have a go at making these bread rolls at home, here's a link to the recipe we used:

Reception Class 2017/18

It has been great getting to know the children, watching them explore the environment and seeing new friendships develop. The children are settling in really well.

Sunday 16 July 2017


Over the past couple of weeks we have been looking after some caterpillars and observing their metamorphosis. The butterflies were ready to be released on Friday.
The children were very excited to watch them fly away.

They took a bit of coaxing out!

Eventually they flew off.

They enjoyed watching them find their way to freedom.

Poor Baby Bird

The children found a dead baby bird in our outdoor area.  They took some time to look at the bird and talked about what had happened to the bird. They thought that as the bird was with it's egg and it didn't have any feathers, that it probably had fallen out of the nest too early. There were also suggestions that a bigger bird may have tried to eat it.
They decided that we should bury it. They decorated a box to put it in and we had a funeral for it. Some children made cards and bunting. A child sang a song and some children said how it made them feel. We decided it would be a good idea to put a stone by the grave. It said 'blue bird'.

New Outdoor Area

After four and a half days of the children patiently waiting for the outdoor area to be finished, the children were very excited to play outside.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Voting in Reception Class

The day after the general election, we thought it would be a good idea for our class to have a vote. We voted on the book we should read after lunchtime. The choices were 'Little Rabbit Foo Foo' or 'The Dinosaur that Pooped the Past'. Each child received a ballot paper, and the process of voting was explained to them.
 Each child cast their vote at the polling station.
The results were very close, with the dinosaur book getting 14 votes, but Little Rabbit Foo Foo getting 15 votes.