Thursday 20 October 2016


The children have voted for their topic. They came up with some great ideas including pets, racing cars, dinosaurs, science and wild animals. The idea with the most votes was fairy tales, so this will be their topic for the next half term. We will still follow children's other interests too. If you or your child have any ideas around this topic, please feel free to share them with us. Thank you.

Name Writing

The children are really trying to write their names and are practising both inside and out. They have especially enjoyed writing in the sand on the light box.


Monday 17 October 2016

Autumn Transient Art

Thank you so much for collecting autumn treasures with your children. We have been putting the collections to good use. We looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, then the children used the autumn treasures to make their own works of art. Many of the children chose to work collaboratively. Here are the results:


Saturday 8 October 2016


We have been continuing with the number of the day in maths this week. The children have enjoyed using their knowledge of numbers in the different areas of the classroom.
Writing the number six in the glitter sand.

Counting out seven conkers.

Making eight with the numicon.

Writing number nine.

Let's go fly a kite!

The weather became quite windy this week, and with that came a flurry of kite making.

The children loved testing their kites in our outdoor area.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Colour Mixing


Image result for mouse paint book

The reception team had noticed that the children were interested in colour mixing. On Friday afternoon, I read the book 'Mouse Paint' to the children. If you want to have a look at this book with your child here's the YouTube link:

The children experimented outside by using pipettes to drop primary coloured water on to kitchen towel.
"Blue and yellow made green."
This was the end result!
When there wasn't any room left on the tray, the children started on the floor.

Children looked at the coloured paddles on the light panel and explored what colours they could make.

We also looked at mixing the paint colours to find the right colours for our pictures.