Sunday 29 April 2018

Smoothie Time

As part of our learning about doubling, we started the week with a problem about what we need to do if we had a recipe to make a smoothie for one person, but needed to make enough for two people. The children were very quick to realise that the ingredients would need to be doubled and seemed to love the idea of  a smoothie. On Friday I made enough banana smoothie for the whole class. They loved it!

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

As part of our topic we looked at the traditional tale of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. After listening to the story, we enjoyed acting out on our own bridge outside, in the construction area and in the water area. During circle time we also thought about how the troll felt in the story.

Once Upon a Time

The children are really enjoying our new topic of 'Once Upon a Time'. They found out about the different parts of the castle.They have been making their own castles out of play dough, outside and in the construction area.


In the first week back after the holidays we embraced the short lived sunshine. We were able to have our snack outside, enjoyed exploring our maths learning of  capacity in the sand and making potions in the mud kitchen.

Monday 9 April 2018


In maths, we have also been learning about patterns. What a pattern is, how we can follow a pattern and how to create our own.


In the last week of Spring term, we learnt about estimation. There was a different number of different objects in the jar at the 'estimation station'. The children were encouraged to write down their estimation and post it in the box. At the end of the day the number of objects in the jar was revealed. The children made some very sensible guesses.

Estimation Station
On the last day of term, a couple of children found a jar that had been left by the Easter Bunny with chocolate eggs in. The Easter Bunny had left a challenge for the children to estimate how many eggs there were in the jar.

Luckily there was enough for each child and the children thought the leftover eggs should be given to the grown-ups in the class.


The children enjoyed working with their partners in our phonics Easter egg hunt. They worked really well together to find all the different sounds. We were very lucky that the sun decided to come out too!